Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit

For a limited time, save up to $60 for your Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit. Details below.

The supplements in the Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit provide key ingredients and nutrients to support the body’s natural ability to detoxify parasites during a full moon.
During the full moon, your body produces less melatonin and more serotonin. Parasites typically become more active when our body has this change in chemistry with lower melatonin and higher serotonin production. The Parasites will use serotonin to help them move throughout your body. Because of this temporary lower level of melatonin, your immune system can’t defend you as strongly against the parasites.

Full Moon Parasite Detox Plan:











Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit

For a limited time, save up to $60 for your Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit. Details below.

The supplements in the Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit provide key ingredients and nutrients to support the body’s natural ability to detoxify parasites during a full moon.
During the full moon, your body produces less melatonin and more serotonin. Parasites typically become more active when our body has this change in chemistry with lower melatonin and higher serotonin production. The Parasites will use serotonin to help them move throughout your body. Because of this temporary lower level of melatonin, your immune system can’t defend you as strongly against the parasites.

What's Included

  • X Microbe Plus - X Microbe Plus contains a combination of herbal extracts with a long history of use for supporting the immune and digestive functions and eliminating unwanted microorganisms while helping maintain the proper immune system and G.I. tract functions.*
  • MCM Detox - MCM Detox is a natural formula designed to support the body’s natural clearance of toxic metals, including aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and other heavy metals, as well as Toxic Mold and Environmental Chemical toxins without many of the common side effects found with the use of harsh synthetic chelating agents. The array of ingredients in our MCM Detox works together to decrease the total toxin burden by supporting the body’s natural detoxification and clearance processes and antioxidant defense.*
  • GB Liver Detox - GB Liver Detox is a comprehensive formula designed to support bile flow for the normal processing and elimination of toxins through the specific combination of nutrients and herbs in this formula. This formula is perfect for anyone starting detoxification from parasites or environmental toxins. GB/Liver Detox compliments and supports a food-based, anti-inflammatory diet and detox regimen. By supporting liver and gallbladder function, GB/Liver Detox assists with the elimination of toxins from the liver and gut by aiding in the digestion and assimilation of fats and supporting the detoxification process in the gut and liver.*
  • Methylation Activation - Methylation Activation is a unique synergistic formula that provides a sublingual delivery system that assures that our professional-grade Methylation support promotes and enhances the methylation processes needed to support mitochondrial function, cellular and liver detoxification systems, improve glutathione production, and allows optimal B12, B6, and 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate delivery to support neurotransmitter production, the nervous system, and immune systems.*
  • TCG Activation - TCG Activation contains synergistic blends of carbon based humic and fulvic minerals that are being touted as a “miracle compound” because of their dramatic positive effect on the body. These soil derived compounds, known as fulvic/humic minerals, are made up of short, medium, and long chain carbons, which allows them to be beneficial in many areas of the body, including cellular absorption of water, minerals and nutrients, and supporting the delicate lining of the gut. In addition, these carbon based humic and fulvic minerals are shown to support the breakdown of biofilms that build up from parasites and other microbial pathogens.*

    How It Works

    Choose your plan

    Choose whether you will follow the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced plan based on your experience of detox cleansing.  All plans of the Full Moon Parasitic Detox are 4 weeks long, with different dosing based on the moon cycle and the plan you follow.

    Full Moon Parasite Detox Protocol

    It’s important to prepare your body for a parasite / antimicrobial cleanse. Before starting the Full Moon Detox Cleanse, it’s important that your drainage pathways are moving well. This means:
    • Daily bowel movements. Pooping 1-3 times per day is ideal.
    • ​The ability to sweat so you can release toxins through your skin
    • ​70 - 100 ounces of purified water daily
    If you are not incorporating an anti-inflammatory diet and / or working with Modern Holistic Health in a health program, it is recommended first to spend one (1) month of an anti-inflammatory diet along with the recommended protocol to gently open your detox pathways, support your gut, and your liver prior to doing a parasite cleanse.
    To eliminate all cycles of parasites: Perform the Full Moon Parasite Detox over 3-4 weeks.

    Start your protocol 1 week before the full moon, increase dosing over the week of the full moon, and then continuing for another 2-3 weeks after the full moon. 

    The protocol depends on your experience with parasite cleanses
    • BEGINNER. First time for a parasite detox.
    • INTERMEDIATE. It's been a while, and not the first time for a parasite detox.
    • ADVANCED. I'm a Pro. I am familiar with and regularly perform detoxes and have done a parasite cleanse before.
    The INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED Full Moon Parasite Detox plan are not recommended if you are brand new to detoxing. Immediately jumping into high doses of the supplements in the Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit may cause unwanted reactions to naturally promoting the body’s ability to detoxify.
    If you are not already incorporating an anti-inflammatory diet and / or working with Modern Holistic Health in a health program, it is recommended first to spend one (1) month of an anti-inflammatory diet along with a protocol to gently open your detox pathways, support your gut, and support your liver.
    These are guidelines. You may want to adjust your doses and test your limits with higher or lower doses.

    Beginner Plan

    Can be taken with or without meals (best on an empty stomach)

    Included with the Beginner Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit:

    • 3 x X-Microbe Plus
    • ​2 x MCM Detox Plus
    • ​2 x GB Liver Detox
    • ​1 x Methylation Activation
    • ​1 x TCG Activation

    Normally $432.73

    SALE: $392.73 (save $40.00)

    Intermediate Plan

    Can be taken with or without meals (best on an empty stomach)

    Included with the Intermediate Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit:

    • 4 x X Microbe Plus
    • ​2 x MCM Detox Plus
    • ​2 x GB Liver Detox
    • ​1 x Methylation Activation
    • ​1 x TCG Activation

    Normally $473.30

    SALE: $423.30 (save $50.00)

    Advanced Plan

    Can be taken with or without meals (best on an empty stomach)

    Included with the Advanced Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit:

    • 6 x X Microbe Plus
    • ​2 x MCM Detox Plus
    • ​2 x GB Liver Detox
    • ​1 x Methylation Activation
    • ​1 x TCG Activation

    Normally $555.64

    SALE: $495.64 (save $60.00)

    Full Moon Parasite Detox Cleanse FAQ

     What can I expect by performing a Full Moon Parasite Cleanse?

    Results can and will vary depending on the individual's circumstances.

    → Increased energy and better sleep
    → Weight loss and better blood sugar balance
    → Improved Gut Function
    → Glowing and clear skin
    → Shiny and healthier hair
    → Improved Brain function and focus

     Are there prerequisites for the Full Moon Parasite Cleanse?

    If you are in a health program with Modern Holistic Health, please check with your practitioner before starting a parasitic detox.

    If you are chronically sick, please check with your health provider or holistic practitioners BEFORE starting a parasitic detox.

    Ensure your drainage pathways are OPEN (using our recommended preparation protocol for at least one month before you start the Full Moon Parasite Detox. 

    You MUST have daily bowel movements and/or take support to help ensure your daily bowel movements while doing a parasitic detox. 

    If you are on medications, always check first with your healthcare provider before starting the Full Moon Parasite Detox.

     Can the Parasite Cleanse Kit cause detox symptoms or "Herxheimer Reactions"?

    Since all of the supplements in this Full Moon Parasite Cleanse Kit support the body’s natural detoxification processes, detoxifying toxins and infections from the body releases chemicals. Depending on the individual, it varies from person to person, and symptoms may include:
    → Fatigue
    → Flue like
    → Insomnia
    → Depression / Anxiety
    → Irritability
    → Brain fog
    → Exacerbation of current symptoms

    If you are experiencing symptoms of a Herxheimer Reaction, the following actions can be taken to help you:
    → Increase your water intake
    → Reduce your dose of your X-Microbe Plus or stop for a day or two
    → Increase your binders (TCG activation and/or MCM Detox)
    → Do Coffee or warm water enemas (make sure you are hydrated!)
    → Get some added rest
    → Dry Brushing, Sauna, Massage, Epsom salt soaks
    → Go for a walk to help your lymph system drain
    Schedule an appointment at Modern Holistic Health with a practitioner for added help and guidance. You may have other issues that need to be addressed before moving forward with your parasite cleanse.

     Can I take additional supplements with the Parasite Detox Kit?

    In most cases, you can continue taking your other supplements while doing the parasite cleanse. If you are unsure, we recommend scheduling with your healthcare practitioner at Modern Holistic Health, your holistic practitioner, or a medical doctor.

     Should the Parasite Detox Kit supplements be taken with or without food?

    The Full Moon Parasite Detox Kit supplements can be taken with or without meals, although it is recommended on an empty stomach, an hour or so away from food.

     Do the supplements in the Parasite Detox Kit interact with any medications?

    Always consult a licensed healthcare practitioner when introducing a new supplement to your routine.

     How often can I complete the Parasite Detox Kit?

    If you noticed biofilm and possible parasites or flukes that were still coming out in your stool at the end of your month long parasite cleanse, you can re-order another bundle and then restart it once again for another month to finish clearing out parasites or other pathogens. Generally, it is common to do a parasite cleanse once per year or as needed according to symptoms, lab results, or as your practitioner recommends.

    Need Help?
     Call us at 888-378-4441

    Disclaimer: Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site.

    Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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    Disclaimer: Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site.

    * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
    * Check with your healthcare pracitioner if you are nursing, pregnant, are under 18, or following a doctor-prescribed protocol
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